Ex-Pennsylvania Rep. Weaver Dies at 83
Former Rep. James Weaver (R), 83, a one-term Congressman from Pennsylvania, died Nov. 15 of cancer.
Weaver, who served in the House from 1963 to 1965, was a physician and served as a medical consultant to the Warren Commission’s investigation of the assassination of President John Kennedy. He was also a member of the Appropriations Committee. After being defeated for a second term, he taught at the Georgetown University medical school.
He is survived by eight children, 24 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Signed Street Cleaning to Be Suspended
Throughout November and December, the District of Columbia’s mechanical street sweeping program will be canceled on those days when daytime temperatures fall below freezing.
Next year, the signed sweeping program will be suspended from Jan. 5 to March 12 and will resume March 15. During this time, the city will continue its sweeping program on an unscheduled basis as weather permits, and alternate side parking restrictions will be lifted.
— Amy Carlile and Bree Hocking