Pelosi Names ‘Ethics Pool’
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday named the 10 members of the Democrats’ “ethics pool,” the lawmakers who can be asked by the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct to serve on an investigative subcommittee.
The 10 lawmakers chosen by Pelosi are Democratic Reps. Tammy Baldwin (Wis.), Joe Crowley (N.Y.), Keith Ellison (Minn.), Mike Honda (Calif.), Jay Inslee (Wash.), Barbara Lee (Calif.), Gregory Meeks (N.Y.), Grace Napolitano (Calif.), Steven Rothman (N.J.) and Vic Snyder (Ark.).
The ethics panel is expected to announce as early as today that it will launch a new investigative subcommittee to probe Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.), who was indicted Monday on a variety of federal charges. That four-member panel will consist of two ethics committee members and one lawmaker apiece from the two parties’ ethics pools. House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) named the GOP’s pool earlier this year.
— Ben Pershing and Susan Davis