Clinton, Giuliani Hold Solid Leads In Florida . . . For Now
Read full CNN/Opinion Research Poll on the Democrats and on the Republicans
If Florida’s January 29 primary were held today, Hillary Clinton would beat Barack Obama by 51 percent to 21 percent. On the Republican side, a CNN/Opinion Research survey earlier this week showed Rudy Giuliani would win big in Florida, outpolling Mitt Romney by 38 percent to 21 percent. However, both frontrunners in Florida face the challenge that they are not doing as well in the caucus and primary states that will vote before Florida. CNN Polling Director Keating Holland, noted in his analysis of the Democrats’ poll, that six in ten likely Democratic primary voters have not made up their minds and a quarter said that they will wait until the first primaries to decide who to vote for, “so the outcome in the Sunshine State is difficult if not impossible to predict.”