Religious Republicans Support Huckabee but McCain Not Far Behind
John McCain is gaining ground on Mike Huckabee among religious Republicans, according to today’s national Gallup poll of the 36 percent of Republicans who attend church each week. In a poll conducted Jan 10-13, Huckabee got the most support for the GOP nomination – 30 percent vs. 33 percent a week ago.
John McCain gained 10 points (26 percent vs. 15 percent), Mitt Romney gained slightly (12 percent vs. 10 percent), Fred Thompson was even with 10 percent and Rudy Giuliani lost ground (10 percent vs. 5percent).
Gallup’s conclusion is that “Despite his religious background…Huckabee by no means has a lock on the support of highly religious Republicans.”
The poll has a margin of error of 2 percent.