CVC by the Numbers
2,557: Days from groundbreaking on June 20, 2000, to opening day (Dec. 2, 2008)
1,412: Days from the originally scheduled opening date, Jan. 20, 2005, to the actual opening date
580,000: Size of the CVC, in square feet
$621 million: Total cost of the CVC
$100 million: Original appropriation for the CVC to be supplemented by private funds, per Pub.L. 105-277
$38.5 million: Amount added to the CVC budget for security enhancements following the 9/11 attacks
26: Number of bathrooms in the CVC
24: Number of statues moved from Statuary Hall to the CVC, as selected by the Joint Library Committee
3 million: Number of visitors to the CVC expected annually
530: Number of seats at the CVC restaurant
$3.50: Cost of a Coney Island hot dog at the CVC restaurant
5: Number of languages served by headsets for the Orientation Theater (French, Spanish, German, Japanese and Chinese)
189: Number of employees in the Office of the CEO for Visitor Services as of Dec. 2