Boehner Says Treasury Should Recoup Unwanted Stimulus Money
House Minority Leader John Boehner and two of his GOP colleagues from Ohio will introduce a bill permitting Warren County to return $373,000 of economic stimulus funds to the U.S. Treasury, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.Boehner, along with Reps. Jean Schmidt and Michael Turner, on Friday said the bill would redirect money rejected by the Warren County Commission toward paying down the national debt.“When a local government body makes the fiscally responsible decision to not accept federal money, it should be returned to U.S. Treasury,— Schmidt said. “It is just common sense.—Other lawmakers have said they would be pleased to take any rejected stimulus funds for their districts.The money, part of the $787 billion federal economic stimulus bill approved by Congress earlier this year, was earmarked for the purchase of three shuttle vans in Warren County, the Enquirer reported.But the Warren County Commission said it did not ask for the money and did not need more vans. Commissioners voted unanimously on March 17 to reject the funds.