Texas Democrat McDonald Raises $634,000 Against Rep. McCaul
It might be 16 months before the 2010 election, but it seems clear that the race in Texas’ 10th District, where three-term Republican Rep. Michael McCaul is seeking re-election, will be among the most expensive of the election cycle.

Democratic challenger Jack McDonald raised $322,000 in this year’s second quarter, his exploratory campaign said Tuesday, and has taken in $634,000 a little more than four months after he organized a committee with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). He has more than $550,000 cash-on-hand, his campaign said.
Except for $1,000 from political action committees, McDonald raised all of his second-quarter funds from individual donors. An individual can give $2,400 to a federal candidate for a primary campaign and another $2,400 for a general election campaign.