Republicans Wage Another Floor Protest Over Health Care
House Republicans on Tuesday kicked off yet another protest on the House floor over the cost and scope of the Democratic health care plans.
The Republicans waged a similar campaign a week ago, asking of the health care proposals, “Where are the jobs?— Tuesday’s effort will touch on the same message.
“Last week, 134 Republican Members took to the floor to ask, Where are the jobs?’ that the president and Democratic leaders promised when they passed the trillion-dollar stimulus’ bill,— said Michael Steel, a spokesman for Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio). “Today, our Members will be back in action, speaking about the need to stop the Democrats’ job-killing government takeover of health care and the need to work together on real health care reform that will lower costs for the American people.—
Last week’s demonstration spanned more than three hours. Republicans have increasingly engaged in the procedural tactics, hoping to trip up the Democratic majority’s agenda.
GOP leaders encouraged Members to participate in the protest during a Conference meeting earlier in the day, according to an e-mail sent by the Conference to lawmakers.
“This morning at conference, House Republican leadership encouraged members to take to the floor at noon today during unlimited one minute speeches and tell the Democrat leadership to STOP THE GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF HEALTH CARE,’— the e-mail said.