GOP Senators Want Reid to Release Bill Sent to CBO
Senate Republicans on Thursday called for Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to release the entire version of the health care reform bill he sent to the Congressional Budget Office for review, arguing that the public and Members should be allowed to review it while CBO scores its costs.“The American people and every Member of Congress should be allowed to read the bill that was sent to CBO,— the GOP argued in a letter to Reid signed by all 40 Republican Senators. “The bill should be made available for taxpayers to read and learn how the federal government is spending their money. We are writing to request that you immediately make all materials sent to CBO publicly available on the internet.—Reid sent a massive package of reform proposals to the CBO earlier this week for the office to determine its costs. Although the final bill that Reid will ultimately bring to the floor will be based on the proposal sent to CBO, it may not include everything that Reid sent. Democrats are reportedly wary of releasing all of the materials because it could provide the GOP with fodder to claim they are considering costly provisions that may not end up in the final bill.