Fiorina Expected to Launch Bid This Week
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, is expected to formally launch her long-awaited Republian campaign against Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer sometime this week. She has public appearances scheduled Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, though the campaign is not disclosing at what event, specifically, she will make her announcement.
Her main rival for the GOP nomination, state Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, is hoping for a big announcement of his own. The DeVore campaign is hyping a conference call slated for Tuesday night hosted by the Senate Conservative Fund political action committee and featuring the PAC’s chairman, Sen. Jim DeMint , R-S.C., and Erick Erickson, editor of the influential conservative blog
A release touting the conference call, which is being held to discuss the state of play in the 2010 Senate races, promises that “Sen. DeMint will announce at least one major SCF endorsement at the end of the call.” The DeVore campaign is leaving the strong impression that it could be him.