Kyl to RNC: This Kind of Thing Has Got to Stop’
The Senate’s No. 2 Republican declined Sunday to say whether Michael Steele should stay as Republican National Committee chairman in the wake of revelations that GOP donor money was spent at the sex-themed West Hollywood nightclub Voyeur.
“I’m not in the position of the people who elect Michael Steele to either say he should step down or not,” Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) said on “Fox News Sunday.” “But this kind of thing has got to stop or they won’t get any contributions.
“The people that contribute to the committees, both Democrat and Republican, want to know that their money is well spent for the cause, and it needs to be that way.”
Although Steele was not at the club, the disclosure that RNC money was spent there by a staffer was the latest in a number of controversies that have buffeted the RNC under Steele’s watch.