Heard on the Hill: Its a Matter of Splitting Hairs
Perhaps a full head of hair is the secret to Rep. Peter Roskam’s Congressional success.
The Illinois Republican appears to have a thicker head of hair than he did just a few years ago, a reader points out.
Roskam’s mane is downright “luxurious” these days, this reader jokes, compared to the thinning hairline that he appeared to have when he first got elected to Congress.
On behalf of hair-impaired dudes everywhere, HOH contacted Roskam’s office to see whether the Congressman had any hair-restoring tips. Is it hair plugs? Maybe a good toupee? Or did he find a magical hair-growth cream?
The Congressman’s beauty tip is to “listen to your wife and grow your hair out, and wear the ties she picks out, too.”
Ambitious Members of Congress should heed Roskam’s martial advice. His new hairdo seems to be working for him, considering he was recently named to be Chief Deputy Majority Whip when Republicans take over the House in January.
Guess it’s hair today, leadership tomorrow.