HOH’s One-Minute Recess: Whos the Toughest?
Everybody is still talking about Speaker-designate John Boehner’s tearful interview with “60 Minutes” on Sunday, as the Ohio Republican recounted his rags-to-riches tale of growing up sweeping the floors in his father’s bar to the top job in the House of Representatives.
But in the tough-upbringing realm, Esquire magazine thinks the guy who holds the top position in the other chamber — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid — might have the edge. And the magazine points out the Nevada Democrat isn’t known to cry.
“So Boehner swept up around his dad’s bar every now and then when he was a kid? Well, Harry Reid worked as a hard rock miner from the age of eleven,” Esquire’s Mark Warren writes. “Boehner sometimes had to wait to use the toilet? Reid grew up in a house made of creosote-covered railroad ties — highly flammable — and never knew the luxury of indoor plumbing. The outhouse was some distance from the house, too, which seemed much farther in the winter. Oh, and did we mention that Boehner’s dad owned a business? Reid’s father, who also toiled as a hard rock miner, owned barely the clothes on his back.”
HOH thinks both Boehner and Reid are deserving of praise for their achievement of the American dream, but what say you, dear HOH readers? Who is tougher: Boehner or Reid? E-mail us at hoh@rollcall.com, and we’ll tally the votes.