House, Senate Set to Convene 112th on Wednesday
Updated: 7:42 p.m.
House Republicans have scheduled the vote for Speaker for early Wednesday afternoon, at which point Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) is expected to preside over the new GOP majority for the 112th Congress.
Following the vote, which is expected to take an extended period of time because every Member’s vote is recorded individually, Republicans will take up their rules package.
Thursday’s floor schedule will begin with Rep. Bob Goodlatte (Va.) leading the reading of the Constitution. The Constitution has never been read aloud in its entirety on the House floor. Republicans are then expected on Thursday to take up a resolution to cut the Congressional budget, another top priority for the incoming majority. On Friday, Rep. David Dreier (R-Calif.) is expected to introduce a resolution to repeal the health care bill.
Both parties also are preparing to hold annual retreats in the coming weeks. Republicans will gather Jan. 13-14 — though the location has not yet been announced — while House Democrats will hold their retreat Jan. 20-22 in Cambridge, Md.
The Senate will reconvene Wednesday with the swearing-in of new Members before adjourning at the end of the week for a two-week recess to mark the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.