Heard on the Hill: Punctuation Overload
Rep. Connie Mack IV is mad as hell, and he’s not going to take it any more! Or perhaps he was mad all along and was just holding back on expressing it through his punctuation?
This past weekend, as the debt limit negotiations were becoming even more frustrating, the Florida Republican took to the Twitter machine to express his outrage.
“I will not support raising the debt ceiling as part of the cut, cap and balance deal,” he tweeted Saturday, beginning normally enough. “What is the GOP thinking?”
“The GOP is at the negotiating table and know one (sic) is on the other side!!!” he raged, using three angry exclamation points. “Where are the liberals? Where is [President Barack] Obama?”
And then, finally, it was all too much. He needed all caps to express his anger. (We’ve been there, sir.)
“Obama stands for NOTHING,” Mack tweeted. “God help America!!!!!” (That’s five furious exclamation points.)
“He’s very upset, as most Americans are, at a president who’s put nothing on the table,” Mack spokesman David James tells HOH. However, James said the tone of the tweets was consistent with Mack’s comments on the debt ceiling negotiations.
On Tuesday, the Congressman’s tweeting tone returned to normal and there was nary a punctuation mark to be found.