HOH’s One-Minute Recess: Constitutional Coloring
Are you a school that is receiving federal funding? Are you having trouble fitting in all the requirements of the federally mandated Constitution Day and Citizenship Day?
Well, never fear! Your friends at the Tea Party Patriots are here to help with an educational (and fun!) coloring book.
“Building on the success of last year’s patriotic themed coloring book, the Tea Party Patriots have released ‘The Official Tea Party Patriots Constitution Coloring Activity Book,’” the group declares in a press release.
The coloring book is an extension of the organization’s adopt-a-school Constitution Week program. According to the statement, the coloring book will give children good ideas about how to “[preserve] the liberty our Founding Fathers enshrined for We the People.”
“The Constitution Coloring Activity Book is an incredible tool for educating the next generation of Patriots,” Mark Meckler, Tea Party Patriots co-founder and national coordinator, says in a statement.
The Tea Party Patriots seem awfully stoked about this federal mandate, which requires every publicly funded school in America, including trade and vocational schools that receive federal money, to teach the Constitution this week.
So who are these Tea Party Patriots? According to the coloring book, the story of the Tea Party Patriots began in a far-away land called America and in a time long ago called 2008.
“Today’s Tea Party Patriots are just like the American colonists,” the book proclaims.
Except, probably not, since not even one of the Tea Party Patriots lives in an actual colony ruled by an actual king.