Campaign Funds for Roof Repairs in Alaska
The campaign committee of Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, reported today it paid $6,987 on Feb. 28 to Fortuny Roofing, Anchorage, Alaska, for “Roof Repair – Deposit.” We have heard about ceilings or upper limits on contributions, but we have not seen this type of payment before. Alaskans for Don Young reported raising $61,942 and spending $64,668, leaving $505,574 cash on hand. Major donors included a total of $20,000 from Gary, Carolyn, Dino, and Ross Chouest of Galliano, Louisiana. Gary is president of Edison Chouest Offshore. Dino and Ross are also officers.
Rep. Young sits on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Transportation Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment and Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation.