Interview with Two Women from First Co-Ed Marine Infantry Class
Marine Corps Times reports: “On Nov. 21, three female Marines — Pfc. Cristina Fuentes Montenegro, 25, Pfc. Julia Carroll, 18, and Pfc. Katie Gorz, 19 — became the first women to graduate from the Marine Corps’ enlisted infantry training course here at Camp Geiger. They were assigned to Delta Company, Infantry Training Battalion. A fourth woman, Pfc. Harlee Bradford, who was sidelined with a leg fracture, may join them in a few weeks if upon her recovery she can complete the program’s final Combat Fitness Test and Physical Fitness Test.”
Marine Corps Times “was present for the graduation ceremony, after which the media was allowed to interview Carroll, Fuentes Montenegro and two of their male classmates, Pfcs. Trent Wetzel and Daniel Lemustundidor. Gorz, who was chosen to be a squad leader during the course, according to media reports, declined to be interviewed.”