Hagel Cuts His Own Staff
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel “just announced plans to trim his staff by about 200 positions over the next five years. But inside the secretary’s top policy shop, a closer look at the planned cuts show where Hagel’s priorities lie after more than a decade of war,” Defense One reports.
“In the office of Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Jim Miller, Hagel is making sure to protect several key areas, namely homeland defense, cyber threats and the pivot to the Asia-Pacific region. Miller, who spoke to a small group of reporters at the Pentagon on Thursday, said despite the budget crunch, key policy areas were protected, including outer space threats and countering weapons of mass destruction. The Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs units will actually be beefed up in the restructuring.”
Said Miller: “The reality is that the world has changed since 2009 when the current structure was put in place.”