Harry Reid a ‘Hell No’ on Obama’s Fast Track Push (Video)

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday his advice to Sen. Ron Wyden is to “slow down” so-called “fast-track” trade legislation. “You couldn’t find a person to ask this question who feels more negatively about it than I do,” the Nevada Democrat told reporters about so-called Trade Promotion Authority, which would set up up-or-down votes on trade deals with Asia and Europe without amendment.
“Not only no, but hell no.”
Asked if he would be working to defeat it, Reid complained the fast-track bill is on the proverbial fast track.
“Ron Wyden knows how I feel. Everyone in my caucus knows how I feel, and the president knows how I feel. That’s why we didn’t bring it up last Congress.”
Wyden, D-Oregon, announced a deal with Republicans on the bill last week.
“My only thing that I am going to tell Ron, as I have, slow this thing down a little bit. This is really marching forward. I think there should have been more time in the committee.
“But no, I’m not going to be doing (anything) single-handed trying to defeat it. I’ve told everybody how I feel, and that’s the way it is.”
Wyden Knows His Challenge on Trade: Fellow Democrats
The 114th: CQ Roll Call’s Guide to the New Congress
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