Boehner Calls Unemployment Drop Encouraging’ but Still Blasts Stimulus
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Friday said that news of the unemployment rate dropping was “encouraging— but that it was also reminder that the economic stimulus bill failed to live up to expectations. “Anyone who views today’s report as a cause for celebration really is out of touch with the American people, especially when this Congress and this administration continue to pursue their job-killing agenda,— Boehner said. “Eleven thousand people lost work over the last month, and we are encouraged that the rate dropped slightly, but I don’t think it has to do with the stimulus bill at all.— Asked what caused the unemployment rate to drop from 10.2 to 10 percent last month, Boehner said: “There was a slight bettering of the economy. Slight.— Boehner suggested that Democrats tap into outstanding stimulus funds before passing another bill that would add to the rising deficit. “I think we have to cut spending first and foremost, and there’s plenty of it around here to cut,— Boehner said. Secondly, if they are unhappy about cutting unnecessary spending, how about going in and taking stimulus funds that haven’t been obligated and may not be spent until 2012, 14, 15 and take those funds to offset any additional money that may be needed if we are going to get this economy moving again?— Boehner had a similar message during a speech Friday morning to attendees of the American Legislative Exchange Council’s States and Nation Policy Summit. He warned attendees that Americans are so angry about the increase in government spending that politicians at all levels of government could be vulnerable in November if they don’t change the way they spend taxpayer funds.“I don’t care whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, in the legislature or in Congress, the American people are coming after all of us,— he said. “They have had enough.— “In a time like this, I would suggest to all of you, it really is time to hunker down, it’s time to fund the real basics of what the American people are demanding, it’s time to cut the frivolous spending,— Boehner said. Boehner’s speeches come as the Republicans launch a massive counter to President Barack Obama’s and Congressional Democrats’ efforts to put the focus back on jobs. Obama held a jobs summit at the White House on Thursday and is planning a speech next week to unveil a series of job proposals.