Letter to Readers
As the new and returning Members of the 108th Congress prepare to take the oath of office this week, we are making changes at Roll Call to expand our coverage of Capitol Hill.
Our new Wednesday edition will debut this week as part of our effort to provide the most comprehensive and current news about Congress. The Wednesday edition will complement our existing Monday and Thursday publications when Congress is in session, and we will publish only on Mondays when Congress is out of session.
We also have merged our two Web sites — RollCall.com and RollCallDaily.com — to provide all of the content from our print edition and bring you up-to-the-minute news from the Hill all on one site. The subscriber-based service will feature news stories throughout the day posted as they happen, and readers will receive special e-mail alerts for the biggest breaking stories.
As always, Hill staffers can sign up for the free service at RollCall.com. Existing print subscribers will be able to access the site using their customer numbers, and existing RollCallDaily.com users can automatically continue their subscriptions at RollCall.com. If you have questions about your subscription, please call us at (202)
824-6800 or e-mail us at circulation@rollcall.com.
We will continue to bring you our Politics coverage every Monday and Thursday, helping you follow all the major races throughout the country as they evolve from the primaries through the general election.
And we will add another day of Around the Hill, where we will increase coverage of Hill staffers and events. We will begin new features focusing on aides leaving for other jobs and catching up with former Hill staffers involved in new endeavors.
We also will continue our Life After Congress stories, though they will become an occasional feature in the Around the Hill section.
Roll Call is also expanding our coverage of legislation. Watch for new coverage in February, just as the legislative calendar heats up.
In our opinion section, watch for more columns from American Enterprise Institute scholar Norman J. Ornstein and a new regular feature tracking polls relating to Congress.
R.J. Matson will introduce a third day of his take on Capitol Hill, and a new cartoonist, Mike Mikula, will debut “Rotundarama” on Wednesday. Jake Tapper’s “Capitol Hell” will continue to appear on Thursdays.
Also look for a new comprehensive Capitol Hill Daybook in every issue that will provide details about Congressional hearings and press conferences. It will appear in front of our Around the Hill section. The Daybook will also appear daily on our Web site.
Please let us know how you like the changes — we’re hungry for feedback. E-mail us at letters@rollcall.com.
We’ve come a long way since 1955, when we hit the streets as a weekly paper. In 1989 we went to twice a week, and we hope our third edition is only the next step in our evolution.