Here’s Bobby!
After Split From Congress, Torricelli Ponders Future Career

Democrats looking to take out their aggression at playing second fiddle to Republicans may want to take their cue from Robert Torricelli, the former New Jersey Democratic Senator seen here on Election Day splitting wood at his 13-acre estate, Willow Pond Farm, on the banks of the Delaware River in central New Jersey.
Torricelli, who quit his re-election bid five weeks prior to this photo, after hopelessly trailing his opponent because of a lingering ethics controversy, invited a reporter and photographer from The Star-Ledger in Newark to spend time with him on Election Day — the first in more than 20 years in which either he wasn’t on the ballot or his stature wasn’t on the line in the form of candidates he recruited and funded from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
Along with his Saint Bernard puppy, Daisy, and a utility vehicle he’s named Gator, Torricelli spends his days on the farm splitting wood, his only exercise, while imagining the wood is the heads of his critics, according to the Star-Ledger. With a couple of former Congressional aides and more than $2.9 million left over from his aborted campaign, he’s opened an office in the Trenton area, reportedly working in real estate and consulting. As he told the Star-Ledger in November, “It’s a good time to start a second career.”