Exhibit Highlights Technological Advances
GE’s “Imagination Nation” exhibit will bring breakthrough technologies in health, security, transportation and the environment to Union Station starting Wednesday.
The exhibit’s highlights include:
• Smart Roadster, the first car featuring a plastic film that could replace paint on vehicles and can withstand scratches and sun damage;
• Lightspeed, a medical imaging system that offers high-resolution images of internal anatomy, which could lead to less invasive surgery; and
• H-Turbine, billed as the largest and most advanced gas turbine in the world.
“Imagination Station” will be on display through March 19.
Dinner Honors Leaders Who Promote Literacy
At a time when some of the America’s teachers are decrying student literacy rates, one local group has recruited a number of leading politicians and local celebrities to promote children’s literacy and mentoring in the District of Columbia.
Everybody Wins! DC, a group that works with more than 3,000 local children, will be holding its annual dinner and gala program Tuesday night at the Capitol Hilton to honor government, corporate and community leaders who read in the Everybody Wins! DC Power Lunch program.
One highlight of the night will include D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams (D) reading one-on-one with local children. Williams will be joined by D.C. celebrity Mamie “Peanut” Johnson, a veteran pitcher who played in the Washington Negro Leagues and became the first woman to pitch professional baseball in a men’s league. Also scheduled to be in attendance is Sens. Jim Jeffords (I-Vt.) and Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Reps. John Boehner (R-Ohio), Ray LaHood (R-Ill.) and Richard Burr (R-N.C.).
For more information on the program, call (202) 624-3957.
Lifetime TV Plans ‘Stop Violence’ Week Activities
Lifetime Television, in collaboration with ESPN, this week will release its first-ever Congressional report on how the United States has addressed violence against women over the past decade, as part of “Stop Violence Against Women Week.”
Celebrity activists including singer Ashanti and former NFL quarterback Don McPherson will participate in activities this week for Lifetime’s anti-violence campaign, “Our Lifetime Commitment: Stop Violence Against Women.”
More about events held in conjunction with “Stop Violence Against Women Week” and Lifetime’s campaign can be found at www.lifetimetv.com.
— Amy Carlile and John McArdle