Cannon Fundraiser Set for Today on Capitol Hill
Rep. Chris Cannon (R) is holding a fundraising luncheon this afternoon at the Capitol Hill Club, sponsored by four plugged-in lobbyists.
The hosts are: Todd Thorpe, a former Cannon staffer now at the firm Bockorny Petrizzo; Rick Lane, vice president of government affairs at News Corp.; and two lobbyists from Greenberg Traurig, Dan Walsh, a director of government affairs, and Laura Reiff, a co-chairwoman of the firm’s business immigration group.
Cannon has been a frequent target of criticism from anti-immigration groups because he takes a moderate stance on illegal immigration, so his association with Reiff could be controversial in his home district. And Walsh, when he worked on Capitol Hill, was a leading operative for House Republican moderates.
Although he cruises to re-election every other November, Cannon has been challenged from the right in each of the past two election cycles. Jason Chaffetz, a former chief of staff to Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. (R), is contemplating a Republican primary challenge this time around.
Ticket prices for Cannon’s fundraiser are $1,000 for political action committees and $500 for individuals.
— Josh Kurtz