Breaux Leaving Patton Boggs to Form Own Firm With Son
Former Sen. John Breaux (D-La.) told his Patton Boggs colleagues Wednesday that he and his son, John Breaux Jr., will form a new public policy and consulting firm in January.
The move comes amid widespread speculation that Breaux might be poised to team up with former colleague and retiring Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.), who announced Monday that he will leave the chamber by year’s end.
Breaux joined Patton Boggs nearly three years ago after retiring from the Senate and by all accounts has been a significant rainmaker at the firm.
According to an internal e-mail sent on Wednesday from Patton Boggs partner Thomas Boggs, former Sen. Breaux has made no mention of partnering with Lott, whose own son, Chester, is himself a lobbyist in private practice.
“As someone who has been lucky enough to practice law with my son Douglas in the law firm, I understand fully John’s desire to practice professionally with his son,” wrote Tom Boggs in the e-mail that went to his Patton Boggs colleagues.
Boggs added in the e-mail: “We have all benefited immeasurably from our personal and professional association with John, we wish him well in his new venture, and look forward to continuing our personal friendship and professional collaboration for many years to come.”
The e-mail included a statement from Sen. Breaux.
“Tom Boggs and the Patton Boggs firm have been a professional family for me since I retired from the Congress almost three years ago,” Breaux wrote. “[B]ut the challenge and opportunity to start a new business with my son is something I cannot pass up,” he added.
Neither Breaux nor a Patton Boggs spokesperson could immediately be reached for comment.