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Our Latest Round-Up Of State-By-State Match-Ups

In our latest round-up of state-by-state general election match-ups, we’ll start with a new poll out today on Wisconsin.

Barack Obama and John McCain are running neck-and-neck in that state but McCain is ahead of Hillary Clinton by a large margin, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll conducted March 26. McCain leads Obama 48 percent to 46 percent but outpaces Clinton by 50 percent to 39 percent. The margin of error is 4.5 percent. There is one marked difference in this poll compared to one SurveyUSA did March 14-16 which is that while it showed a tight McCain-Obama race, it also said the same was true of Clinton-McCain which may be due to a difference of methodology or slippage in support for Clinton since mid-March. However, Rasmussen’s late February poll also had Clinton significantly behind. Clinton’s negatives, as in other polls, are high: she’s on the wrong end of the favorability ratings by 55 percent to 39 percent while McCain and Obama both enjoy positive ratings.

The most important campaign issue for Wisconsin voters is the economy (39 percent) and only 19 percent of them give the economy a good or excellent rating. Twenty-two percent cite Iraq.

Read on after the jump to see our round-up of other state-by-state general election match-ups.

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