Obama’s Inexperience, McCain’s Age and Clinton’s Honesty
So, what comes to mind when you think of Barack Obama, John McCain and Hillary Clinton. Gallup put that question to its “panel” of 1,008 adults during April 25-27 and these “what comes to mind results” came back: the top impression of Obama was about his inexperience, with 15 percent choosing that compared to 12 percent in Nov. 2006. A similar number said “dishonest/don’t trust” about Clinton compared to 6 percent in 2006. And 12 percent said McCain was too old compared to 2 percent in two years ago.
Here were the next three top characteristics for each:
– Obama: Thirteen percent said “fresh face with new ideas/good change,” 9 percent liked him and 9 percent disliked him.
– McCain: Twelve percent said “good man/like him,” 10 percent said “more of the same” and called him another George Bush, and tying at 8 percent were “military background” and “don’t like him.”
– Clinton: Thirteen percent said “past baggage associated with Bill,” 10 percent said “qualified, capable of being president,” and 9 percent disliked her.