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Latest Wicker Ad Touts Insurance Work

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) is set to release the fourth television ad of his special election campaign to secure the remaining four years left on former Sen. Trent Lott’s (R) term.

Wicker’s newest ad, which talks about his efforts to streamline the insurance claim process, is his third ad about Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts (he has also released a bio ad). The newest ad is due out later this week in the Gulf Coast areas of the state.

Wicker is facing well-known former Gov. Ronnie Musgrove (D) in the November special Senate election. After serving as the Congressman from the northern 1st district since 1994, Wicker has focused his Senate campaign advertising on building up his name ID downstate and along the Gulf Coast.

The latest ad discusses problems Mississippians ran into with delayed or underpaid insurance claims after Katrina.

“First the nightmare storm. Then the nightmare of insurance,” the ad’s narrator says. “We were asked to prove if damages were wind or water. But with Katrina, it was impossible to know. Sen. Roger Wicker understands. He’s fighting in the Senate to make sure water and wind damage are covered in the same policy, ensuring we have available, affordable insurance.”

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