Arizona: Club for Growth Touts Schweikert in TV Ads
The Club for Growth is on cable television in Phoenix with advertisements urging 5th district Republican primary voters to support former Maricopa County Treasurer David Schweikert in the Sept. 2 GOP primary.
In the ad which was technically paid for by Club for Growth.Net, the 501(c)(4) organizations 527 arm the club attempts to educate voters about Schweikerts record on taxes. The Club for Growth had purchased $20,000 worth of cable television airtime as of Wednesday, but its buy is open-ended and the group is prepared to spend more on Schweikert in the coming days.
As county treasurer, he cracked down on tax cheats and reduced the size of his own office, the voice-over says in the 30-second spot.
As state legislator, Schweikert led the fight to cut taxes, eliminate junk lawsuits, move people from welfare to work, and create successful charter schools, the voice-over continues. Lower taxes, less wasteful spending, more freedom thats David Schweikerts record.
Five other Republicans are running for the Phoenix-area seat, which leans conservative but was won in 2006 by Rep. Harry Mitchell (D).