Kyl: McCain to Preview First Year of Presidency Tonight
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) will deliver a nomination acceptance speech tonight that will include a focus on domestic policy, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), a top surrogate for McCains campaign, suggested this morning.
We all know and love my colleague, and we know what he can do, and we know of his experience his leadership, Kyl told a breakfast gathering of the Arizona and Nevada delegations to the Republican National Convention.
Well hear more about that tonight. But more importantly, we will see him deliver the speech that tells us what he wants to accomplish and how he wants to accomplish it, Kyl said.
Speaking with reporters after addressing Arizona and Nevada delegates at a St. Paul, Minn., hotel, Kyl said his guess was that McCain would use tonights address to discuss how the first year of of his administration would look and what he would try to get done, if he beats Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in November.
My guess is hell talk about his plans and how he would like to approach the presidency in the first year or so with regard to his domestic agenda, primarily, as well as some of the other issues that are clearly on the front-burner, like the war on terror,” Kyl said.