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Leaders Trying to Move Rule for Energy Bill Tonight

House Democratic leaders are aiming to set a rule on their energy package Monday night, but they are still making tweaks to their still-unseen bill to try to lock in more last-minute votes, according to Democratic and GOP sources close to the negotiations.

“The desire is there and the momentum is there” to put the finishing touches on the bill and pass a rule Monday night, one Democratic aide said. But, the aide added, the question is how much longer leadership will continue making changes to the package to ensure that it has the support to pass.

The staffer said negotiations are still ongoing between aides to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Natural Resources Chairman Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.), the sponsor of the bill.

A Republican aide was advised that the energy bill “is a go tonight” for reporting a rule, which, according to the aide, would likely go to the floor along with the entire package on Tuesday.

“As of yet, however, we have received no text of the bill,” the source said.

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