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Feingold Joins McCain in Opposition to Omnibus

Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) said Wednesday that he would vote against the $410 billion omnibus spending bill, which he charged was rife with wasteful spending and 8,500 earmarks.

“I’m going to vote against it. I’m not going to vote on this,— Feingold said, holding up the 1,000-page bill that would fund the federal government for the rest of the fiscal year.

Feingold’s comments during a press conference with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), in which the lawmakers introduced legislation that would grant Congress line-item veto power and allow lawmakers to strip earmarks from spending bills. The three fiscal hawks introduced the same measure last year.

In opposing the omnibus, Feingold is joined by at least one Democratic colleague, Sen. Evan Bayh (Ind.), who came out against the package Wednesday morning in an opinion piece published by the Wall Street Journal.

“The bloated omnibus requires sacrifice from no one, least of all the government,— Bayh wrote. “It only exacerbates the problem and hastens the day of reckoning.—

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