White House to Deliver Sotomayor’s Questionnaire Today
The White House announced today that it will send Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor’s questionnaire to the Senate Judiciary Committee at 2 p.m. today.The document includes the nominee’s answers to various questions about herself and her career posed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The document will be pored over by Senators and staff from both parties in preparation for her still-unscheduled confirmation hearing.The White House boasted that the document was headed to Capitol Hill just nine days after Sotomayor was selected by President Barack Obama.“For context, this is the swiftest questionnaire completion in recent history,— according to a White House statement. “Based on the time between a nominee’s designation and when they returned their questionnaire, it took Chief Justice Roberts 13 days, Justice Ginsburg 15 days and Justice Alito 30 days to complete their questionnaires.—