Harry Reid’s Son Takes Big Step Toward Bid for Nevada Governor
A 2010 campaign for governor of Nevada seems a near-certainty for Rory Reid , an elected official in the county that includes Las Vegas — and son of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid .
While the younger Reid has not announced his bid for the seat held by trouble-plagued Republican Jim Gibbons , he has hired a campaign manager with an eye-catching resume: David Chase Cohen, who worked on Barack Obama’s presidential campaign as deputy national director of voter contact and then manager of general election direct mail in 16 “battleground” states.
Still, Reid, who currently serves as a Clark County commissioner, says he is in no rush to make things official. “I’m leaning toward running, but it’s still too premature for me to make an announcement,” he told CQ Politics in a phone interview on Wednesday. “People out here want to enjoy their summers right now, not hear from politicians.”