Howard Dean Endorses Gillibrand
Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean endorsed New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand as part of a videotaped interview that was published on several liberal blogs Wednesday night.
In what could have been mistaken for the pilot episode of the “Howard and Kirsten” show, Dean led a round of questioning, talk-show style, probing Gillibrand’s stances on a host of hot-button progressive issues such as gay marriage, the Employee Free Choice Act and a public option for health care insurance. Having apparently passed Dean’s progressive litmus test, he announced at the end of the seven-minute video that he was endorsing her for election in 2010.
“Today she’s satisified me that she knows how to use that [Democratic] majority in order to get things done so I am pleased to endorse Kirsten Gillibrand for the United States Senate,” Dean said.