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Obama Spends Saturday Address Debunking’ Health Care Myths

President Barack Obama on Saturday used his weekly address to “spend a few minutes debunking— what he called “some of the more outrageous myths— about his health care proposals.

Obama began with a charge that he has only recently begun to address, denying that illegal immigrants will get health insurance under his proposals. “Illegal immigrants would not be covered,— he said. “That idea has never even been on the table.—

The president then turned to what have become some of the more familiar charges, denying that there will be “death panels— to mete out end of life care and that his proposals amount to a “government takeover— of health care.

“I no sooner want government to get between you and your doctor than I want insurance companies to make arbitrary decisions about what medical care is best for you, as they do today,— Obama said.

Obama then turned to his own list of perils that he said attend the status quo, describing it as a system in which insurance companies can deny care, drop coverage and charge exorbitant rates. His proposals will “stop them from exploiting you with unfair practices,— Obama said.

In the Republican address, Rep. Tom Price (Ga.), a physician, said Obama’s proposals would give the government an intrusive role, and he implied that rationing of care could occur.

“Unfortunately, the plan being promoted by the White House would give Washington the power to make highly personal medical decisions on behalf of patients on behalf of you,— Price said. “Now whether it’s the government choosing what should be in your family’s health care plan, or a bureaucratic board deciding what treatments are appropriate and who should receive them, the president’s plan is a 1,000-page expression supporting the notion that Washington knows best when it comes to your family’s health care. And that’s simply not true.—

Price charged that under legislation being considered by the House, “millions of Americans will be forced off their personal, private coverage and shuffled onto the government plan.— Price rebutted Obama’s argument that people will be able to keep their health care.

“We all know that when the government is setting the rules and is backed by tax dollars, it will destroy — not compete — with the private sector,— Price said.

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