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Ask Roll Call: Twitter Q&A Transcript

Roll Call is continuing Twitter Q-and-A sessions, and the latest edition was with lobbying and influence reporter Kate Ackley. Kate has covered K Street for years and is an expert on the lobbying job market, the revolving door between Capitol Hill and the private sector, the culture of K Street and on Washington, D.C.’s business community including its lobbying associations, lobbying firms, unions and corporate offices.

Follow her: @kackleyz

Check out her recent story about firms encouraging mommy lobbyists and this one about the lobbyist who hooks up his Congressional pals with his doctor pals.

Since it was on Twitter, of course, her answers were kept to under 140 characters. A transcript follows.

Roll Call



Roll Call’s @ prepares to take your questions in 3, 2, 1 ….

Roll Call


Welcome to Roll Call’s 9th Twitter Q&A w/ lobbying/influence reporter @ Been here 6 yrs, w/ Legal Times prior, knows K Street in&out

Roll Call


Q1! RT @: @ When is the Senate supposed to vote on the budget CR?

Roll Call


.@ Vote like to come today in Senate. This would fund govt. temporarily but big battles still ahead. ^@

Roll Call


Q2! Lots of questions about NPR vote happening in House. How does interest groups/pub. broadcasting deal w/ this?

Roll Call


A: Broadcast interest groups are on the hill making their case, hiring connected GOPers such as @ but uphill battle ^@

Roll Call


Q3! RT @: @ Watching the tourney today. What is the most popular team on capital hill?

Roll Call


.@ Every member’s fave team is one in own district. Check out RC’s Congressional bracket here: ^@

Roll Call


Q4! From in the newsroom – you wrote this story on lobbyist/doc connex — is that really legal?

Roll Call


A: Lobbyists are banned from giving members/staff something of monetary value but you can’t put pricetag on finding good doc 🙂 ^@

Roll Call


Q5! RT @: @ why worry about NPR? NPR says it receive’s no direct federal funding, only 2% in grants

Roll Call


.@ It’s the smaller NPR affiliates in rural areas that would be most in jeopardy w/out govt. funds. ^@

Roll Call


Q6! RT @: @ @ How has the revolving door btw K St & the Hill changed post-Abramoff? Or has it?

Roll Call


.@ Abramoff certainly didn’t slow revolving door. Examp: fmr Members Tanner/Pomeroy/Dodd/Skelton/Sandlin to name few ^@

Roll Call


.@ Post Abramoff, Senators turned lobbyists like Dodd/Dorgan/Bennett have tighter restrictions, longer lobby ban ^@

Roll Call


Q7! You’ve written lot about lobbyists/campaign $ – how important is KSt cash for campaigns? &

Roll Call


A: K Street major fundraising base, even if Members don’t like to talk about it. If u can’t get lobbyists to come, u have problem ^@

Roll Call


Q8! RT @: @ @ As you’ve covered lobbyists how has your opinion of lobbyists evolved?

Roll Call


.@ There are bad apples in any biz but over past decade K St’s become bigger industry/more professional ^@

Roll Call


Thanks @ for our 9th Twitter Q&A. Transcript to be posted later. We’ll be on recess break but the next edition will be 3/31.

Follow @rollcall on Twitter and follow our staff list for the full complement of reporters and editors.

Read our previous Twitter Q&A transcripts with Steven T. Dennis here, Jennifer Bendery here, Steve Peoples here, John Stanton here, Stu Rothenberg here, Paul Singer here, the talented photo department (Tom Williams, Bill Clark, Doug Graham and Andrew Satter) here and Ambreen Ali here.

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