List of Capitol Complex Closures Released
The House Administration Committee announced Thursday which Capitol facilities would be closed if the government shuts down, giving a picture of what the House side of the complex would look like next week if Congressional leaders don’t strike a deal on funding the government.
The House’s stationery store, gift shop, beauty and barber shops, shoe shine station, dry cleaners, and Member and staff gyms would be closed, according to a list posted on the committee’s website.
One subway would operate to cart Members among the House office buildings and the Capitol. The child care center and post offices would be open, and mail delivery would continue as normal.
A carryout food shop in the Capitol basement and the Longworth cafeteria would be open, but only from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. or until the final vote of the day, whichever comes first. All other dining facilities would be closed, including the Members’ dining room in the Capitol.
Just one door to each House office building would be open, and all buildings, including the Capitol, would only be open to Members, staff and visitors on official business.
Tours led by Capitol Visitor Center guides and staff members would be canceled, while Member-led tours would be allowed. House Members would only be permitted to lead groups of 10 or fewer visitors between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. and must accompany the group at all times.
The committee is warning that there would be delays in responding to information technology support requests because many employees in the House Information Resources department would be furloughed.
The only open vehicle entrances would be at Washington Avenue and C Street Southwest, Independence and New Jersey avenues Southeast, and First and C streets Southeast.
Only two parking lots underneath the Rayburn House Office Building would be open. All permitted vehicles could park there or in outdoor lots.
Crew members would be on hand to set up furniture for Capitol meetings, and new identification would be issued in emergency situations only.
The Offices of Financial Counseling and Payroll and Benefits would schedule employees to carry out necessary shutdown operations, then furlough staff.
Members could still use the recording studio in Rayburn, and the House floor would still be recorded and televised.
Other closures have been previously announced.