K Street Files: Lobby Firms Stock Staff Who Know Finance
With Wall Street reform still a hot topic on Capitol Hill, former Hill staffers with finance backgrounds are being snapped up by K Street.
Quinn Gillespie & Associates announced this week that it had hired Joe Dagher, a former legislative aide for Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) on the Banking Committee. Dagher worked on the financial regulatory law, as well as an automakers assistance package and the bank bailout of 2008.
“Joe is an emerging star in the world of financial services and banking,” said Marc Lampkin, a senior GOP strategist at Quinn Gillespie.
Dagher will be a senior associate working for the firm’s government affairs group.
Venn Strategies has scooped up Bryan Tackett as a senior associate. Tackett was legislative director at the lobbying firm 3 Click Solutions, but he got his start as an intern for Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.). Tackett will focus on tax, budget, financial services and health care issues.
“Knowing how to speak the language of politics and business, and how to meld the interests of both, is what we do at Venn, and Bryan’s talents are a clear match for us,” CEO Stephanie Silverman said in a statement.
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