Ask Roll Call: Twitter Q&A Thursday Afternoon
Ask questions for Roll Call’s 15th Twitter Q&A, to take place Thursday afternoon.
The latest edition is with brand-new Heard on the Hill reporter Neda Semnani.
Neda was the deputy editor for BillTrack, CQ Roll Call’s legislative tracking product, for two years before diving into a whole new gossipy world.
Before falling in love with all things Congressional, Neda consulted for the World Bank, managed programs for nongovernmental organizations in the Middle East and later managed a nonprofit in New York City.
Neda has started a new Twitter feature she calls #missedonthehill and has been stellar leading HOH since she came on board earlier this month.
Read the Heard on the Hill archive (and see our new logo!) here. (You can also follow @heardonthehill for every little bit of news.)
Submit questions to @rollcall via Twitter at any time here, and Neda (@neda_semnani) will answer them Thursday afternoon. We will post a transcript as well.
Read our previous Twitter Q&A transcripts with Steven T. Dennis here, Jennifer Bendery here, Steve Peoples here, John Stanton here, Stu Rothenberg here, Paul Singer here, the talented photo department (Tom Williams, Bill Clark, Doug Graham and Andrew Satter) here, Ambreen Ali here, Kate Ackley here, Lauren Whittington here, Daniel Newhauser here, Kyle Trygstad here, Emily Heil here and Shira Toeplitz here.