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House Leaders Continue Bipartisan Talks

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said bipartisan leadership talks in the House would continue as soon as that day on how to reach a compromise over raising the nation’s debt limit before the Aug. 2 deadline.

Although the California Democrat declined to discuss specifics of the leaders’ Wednesday meeting — which included Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) — she did tell reporters that “I can characterize it as constructive in that we knew what had to do for the meeting” Thursday.

“We are moving forward in a positive direction” Pelosi added.

The meetings come as leaders in both chambers and the White House struggle to come up with a plan for raising the debt ceiling that can pass the House, where conservatives have become increasingly entrenched in their demand that only their Cut, Cap and Balance bill be considered. Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (Ohio), who has become increasingly influential over the past several weeks, has steadfastly rejected the notion of compromising on the legislation, which has no chance of becoming law given Democratic opposition in the Senate and a presidential veto.

Boehner sought to downplay the difficulty in persuading his Members to compromise. When asked whether he had prepared them for the reality that legislating requires compromise, Boehner said simply, “I have.”

But Boehner also acknowledged at least some of his Members are not likely to come around to that view. “I’m sure we have some Members who believe that. I do not believe that to be anywhere close to the majority,” he said.

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Editor’s Note: Tim Curran, an editor and a neighbor

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