Heard on the Hill: A Budget Game for the Masses
Last week the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and American Public Media’s Public Insight Network released the Budget Game 2.0!
Which is not like Comedy Central’s “Tosh 2.0” and a lot like a game about the federal budget.
Did everyone just get sad? OK. Let’s back up.
What the groups are trying to do is to enable “an anxious public to grasp the magnitude of America’s debt problem and the impact of proposed solutions.”
“Initial feedback is so positive,” ex-Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), president and CEO of the Wilson Center, said in a statement. “This is what the Wilson Center does best: we bring the most important issues to public audiences in ways that are timely and extremely relevant.”
The game is meant to make it easy for people to compare their budget results to the results of other players. They can share them on Twitter and Facebook.
Since the game launched, 7,400 people have played — and shared — their results.
Shockingly, the average player is a 39-year-old dude.