Delegate Would Be Long Shot Against Cardin
State Del. Pat McDonough (R-Md.) told WBAL News on Thursday that he will run for Senate if the Baltimore-area House district in which he resides is drawn more favorably for Democrats in redistricting.
McDonough, a supporter of immigration reform, said he looks forward to being on the same ballot as the Maryland DREAM Act, a ballot initiative that would allow some undocumented immigrants to pay in-county tuition at community colleges.
McDonough has been looking to challenge Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D), whose winding 2nd district nearly encircles Baltimore. Ruppersberger has won easily since his first re-election in 2004.
Taking on first-term Sen. Benjamin Cardin (D) may be even more challenging. Roll Call currently rates the race as Safe Democratic. Former Secret Service agent Daniel Bongino (R) is already running.