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Heard on the Hill: Kurt Schrader’s Property Tax Problems

Former Oregon Senate budget chief and current Rep. Kurt Schrader (D) does not like property taxes, or he doesn’t like paying them anyway.

On Aug. 22, Schrader paid $304.01 in delinquent D.C. property taxes, which by itself is (maybe) no big deal, but Schrader has something of a history on this issue. (HOH has a history of parking tickets, so no one’s perfect.)

According to a 2005 Associated Press story, Schrader racked up penalties 13 times from 1985 to 2005 on his Oregon farm and home. In fact, he paid no property taxes on his Oregon home from 1998 to 2001, the AP reported. The Schraders ran into tax-paying problems again in 2003.

At the time, Schrader told the newswire that he and his wife were raising five children, keeping a veterinary practice running and developing a farm.

“I assume we are no different than the average Oregonian,” he said in 2005. “Do you pay for your food or do you pay your property taxes right away?”

Fair enough. And the problem now?

HOH’s requests for comment weren’t answered.

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