Heard on the Hill: Scott Brown Walks Like a … Man?
While shepherding his teeny, tiny cutesy dogs on to the Senate subway, Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) had to deliver the following, cringe-inducing order: “Get on the train, Snuggles.”
That’s right. The, ahem, man owns a 14-year-old Shih Tzu named Snuggles. And a 4-year-old Yorkshire terrier dubbed Koda.
Staff confirmed that Brown’s daughter, Arianna, named both pups and that the furry, four-legged family members spend their fair share of time in Brown’s office.
After realizing he wasn’t entirely alone on the platform, Brown buried his face in his hands and begged those present, “Don’t ruin my image.” (Nice try.)
What’s that old saying about friends, Washington and dogs?