Heard on the Hill: Good Stock
Embattled Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has been plagued with accusations of sexual harassment and a years-long extramarital affair. So what else to do but launch a “Women for Cain” page on the campaign website?
But instead of using pictures of enthusiastic female Cain supporters, the campaign opted to use a stock photo of “four happy young women.”
Why they did it, we have not one clue.
The picture is a popular stock photo sold by Shutterstock and found around the Interwebs. The Atlantic did the yeoman’s work of finding at least two other sites that used the picture of the happy young women. Some of the fun key words Shutterstock linked to the picture include: four, Africans, Asian, Caucasian, fun, girl, high, interracial, pleasure and vitality.
The Cain campaign has not yet responded to our request for comment.
“‘Women For Cain’ is an online national fellowship of women dedicated to helping elect Herman Cain as the next President of the United States,” states the website.
According to the fellowship, the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO “has been a strong advocate for women throughout his lifetime, defending and promoting the issues of quality health care, family, education, equality in the workplace.”
For added lady-shimmer, the site calls out his wife, Gloria, as the national chairwoman for Women for Cain. She is also “the very special woman who Mr. Cain devoted his life to many years ago.”
Lucky, lucky lady.