Heard on the Hill: Karl Rove on TV Being Sheepish
Karl Rove popped by “Fox and Friends” on Tuesday morning to talk about the GOP presidential debate.
He did talk politics, but he also talked about sheepshearing, whiteboards and ties — oh, my!
“Karl, give us your scorecard on Newt Gingrich,” one of the foxy friends said.
“Let’s start, first of all, with you and sheepshearing [sound of a sheep bleating in the background]. And I’m also confused: tie or no tie?” Rove asked. “Should I be taking off my tie? I don’t know.”
“Cheap shot, Rove. Cheap shot.”
“Man, sheepshearing. I mean, weird,” Rove continued, referencing an earlier segment on the show. “I mean, I can’t believe how quiet the sheep was. I mean, sat there like a sheep.”
Yup. Just like a sheep.
Finally, the foxy friends were able to distract Rove from his sheepish tangent with politics and eye of Newt (Gingrich), but then they had to bring up the size of their whiteboard.
“[I] was expecting you to bring your whiteboard, so I brought mine,” said a foxy friend before boasting that his whiteboard was bigger than Rove’s whiteboard.
“Yea, well, first of all, size doesn’t matter,” Rove proclaimed.
Isn’t it pretty to think so?