Burris Watch
The greatest mustache in Senate history is once again floating around our fair city.
Ex-Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) was seen disembarking from the subway from the Russell Senate Office Building and heading toward the Capitol.
One HOH spy spotted Burris on the Senate Floor telling his former colleagues that he misses them.
“[He was] exchanging words with Democratic [Sens.] Tom Udall [N.M.], Kirsten Gillibrand [N.Y.], Sheldon Whitehouse [R.I.] and others,” the spy tells us.
Burris even landed a hug from Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D).
We can only assume that somewhere in the Capitol, North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven (R ) was comforted to know that there was a fellow mustachioed Senator nearby, though his mustache might feel the wee-est bit threatened by Burris’ greatest-of-all lip sweater.