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Hill Vet Goes For Broke

Dylan Jones, a Congressional-staffer-turned-lobbyist, begins a two-day stand on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” today.

Jones worked for Democratic Reps. Shelley Berkley (Nev.), Carolyn McCarthy (N.Y.) and former Democratic Rep. Paul Kanjorski (Pa.) before migrating to K Street. His game show gig partially fulfills daydreams hatched while halfheartedly watching the House floor.

“At 10 a.m. I would switch from C-SPAN over to [“The Price Is Right”] — much more interesting than watching the one-minutes,” Jones tells HOH.

Were he to need a “lifeline,” Jones said Kanjorksi would get the call. “I’ve sat with him and learned things, from microeconomics to history to physics,” he said.

Jones would love to see Berkley hit the game-show circuit — either as a contestant or maybe more.

“She’s smart, entertaining, colorful — heck, she could host a game show,” he suggests.

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